What Does Putting A Bear Rug Say About Your Personality?

Bear rugs are not everyone’s cup of tea. Some people think they are too aggressive for an accessory; others would call them distasteful, while environmentalists would lose their minds if they see them.

But if you have ended up on our website, you at least consider buying a bear rug for your home. So what does it say about your personality? 

You feel confident in your skin

You are not the kind of person who would let others dictate how you should feel about anything. We are all here for it! If you want to buy a bear rug, by God, do it! And if some of your friends don’t like the thing, you can always meet them on neutral territory (like the nearest pub, for example).

You are still looking for your style

If you are in your mid-twenties, you are probably still trying to find what works for you in pretty much any avenue of life – interior design included. It is also when people usually have their first single residence – away from their parents and after the “room mate” stage in their lives. 

Tip: Check how bear rugs look in different types of residences – there are enough clips on YouTube for that purpose. Also, consider if your apartment is large enough for the item you have in mind.

You are single and loving it

For some reason, most women I know are not particularly wild about bear rugs. The fact that you have it (or plan to buy one) speaks volumes about your relationship status and priorities. 

Tip: If you find the right person, the rug will have to go. Trust me, I’ve been down this alley.